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Atkore AFC, MC-Quik® Armored Cable (Steel And Aluminum)

MC-Quik cables were developed in 2012 and introduced a metal clad cable (MC Cable) without an overall polypropylene wrap. This new construction of cable is referred to as MCI-A cables because of the style of fittings used during installation.

AFC has combined a feature of Armored Cables (AC Cable) with the armor in conjunction with an aluminum bond wire that can be used as a grounding means. In addition, AFC Cable added a labor saving feature of extruding the polypropylene wrap over each individual conductor. Removing the overall tape eliminates the time to remove it to access the conductors and eliminates the waste of the scrap. Without the overall tape, contractors do not need to spend time unraveling the tape to expose the conductors and then trim off the excess. When installation is complete, there is less waste to be cleaned up on the job site.

AFC Cable offers MC-Quik in both steel and aluminum versions with various configurations and conductor color options.

To learn more about our MC-Quik, watch the video below.

AFC Cable also offers a healthcare (HCF) version of MC-Quik called MC-Stat. MC-Stat utilizes a redundant green ground to comply with healthcare requirements.

MCI-A steel armor – Metal Clad Cable (Patent Pending)

New Type MC Cable without an overall assembly tape featuring ColorSpec®

Features & Benefits

  • Interlocking galvanized steel or aluminum armor
  • Purple armor for easy cable identification
  • Armor plus full-sized aluminum ground wire is the equipment grounding means (MC Quik Steel)
  • Protective covering over each insulated copper conductor
  • MCI-A listed connectors required
  • UL Classified for Through-Wall Penetrations
  • Made in USA of US and/or imported materials


  • Commercial, industrial, multi-residential branch circuits for power, lighting, control and signal circuit.
  • Exposed or concealed, dry locations, fished, surface mounted, embedded in plaster, environmental air handling spaces, in hazardous locations to Class I & II, Div 2 and Class III, Div. 1 & 2 (per NEC® Articles 501, 502, 503, 530), Places of Assembly per NEC® Article 518.



Galvanized Interlocking Steel Strip (purple striped) – MC Quik Steel

Interlocked Aluminum Strip – MC Quik Lite


Solid/Stranded Copper

Conductor Insulation

Type THHN with protective polypropylene covering on each insulated conductor (no messy assembly tape)

Maximum Temperature

90°C (dry) Rating


One grounding means – armor PLUS full-sized aluminum ground/bond conductor NEC® 250.118(10)(b)

Neutral Conductor

White 120/208V – Gray 277/480V


600V Voltage Rating

References & Ratings

  • UL 1569, UL 83, UL 1479, UL 1581, UL 2556, E80042
  • Federal spec A-A–59544 (formerly J-C–30B)
  • NEC® 330, 300.22(C), 230.43, 250.118, 392, 396, 501, 502, 503, 530, 518, 520, 645, 690.31(E)
  • Permitted for use in Cable Trays
  • Meets all OSHA and HUD requirements
  • May be surface mounted, fished and/or embedded in plaster
  • UL Classified 1, 2, and 3 hour through (Fire) penetration product, R–14141
  • NEC® 300.22(C) Environmental Air Handling Spaces
  • Cable Tray Rated, install per NEC®
  • Patent Pending
  • Made in USA of US and/or imported materials




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I-Pro Martin is proud to represent the industry's premiere manufacturers in both the commercial, industrial and utility marketplaces.

4350 Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 350
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033